my life as a student minister

Day two! Yesterday wasn’t that bad and today hasn’t been either. I’ve been craving bread & milk, but other than that I’m good with cravings. My energy level has been down all day. I’m assuming it’s because I didn’t have my morning coffee and cereal. I also preached two messages today and played Djembe in the band. Typically before I preach, I have something with caffeine in it with an air head or something. I know it doesn’t sound healthy, but that along with the coffee in the morning give me an energy boost during my two messages. Today, I didn’t have that. Interesting thing though, God came through and provided enough energy for me!

I do have a constant sense of hunger now. I know I’m eating, but the hunger stays. I guess that I’m starting to realize how much I eat just to eat. Here are my meals for today:

Almond & Carrot muffin (Made these last night)
Boiled egg (Made that last night too)

Morning Snack:
Small serving of various nuts (Cashew, pecan, almond)

Laura made an egg omelet with spinach and onion.








Afternoon snack:
Trying out some sweet potatoe fries (they are baking now)

Tilapia, Green beans, Carrots

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